Tuesday, December 21, 2010


i've been on blogger since '06 and da banyak aku tulis before this but i ended up deleting most of the posts and pictures...knapa? lot of reasons...ak pon xtau...bila aku rasa i'm too exposed here then aku padam..bila rasa MALU tu datang, aku padam...i'm not so bold but sometimes i'm i guess tp TAKUT dan MALU tu sentiasa ada... takut TERSALAH cakap, TERLEBIH ckap, wa ghairuha... tau2 ja la...bnyk org gado sebab benda2 alah ni (facebook, blog, wa ghairuha...) erm...xmo la camtu kan..susa nnt aku ni bukan baek sgt...mulut pon boleh tahan...(i'm tryin to keep it down..always am..)
i prefer ppl not knowing too much about me...ppl, kalo da suma benda org tau, apa yg tinggal tuk diri sendiri?, tuk dikongsi ngan husband or wife in the future? rugi la weyh!

there's not much to know bout me actually..i'm living a very regular life (u might call it BORING, but i'd go for REGULAR because i know, ada org yg idopnya laaaagi tak adventurous dr aku...)i remember there was 1 guy who said that i'm MYSTERIOUS...(aku gelak guling2 dowh kol 2 pg time tu...)maybe it was his way of sayin that my life is boring because there was another guy who said ' u r mysterious and u r boring'.

i don't know, i'm just trying my best to keep up with ppl but at the same time i don't wanna be too exposed...(I'M NOT MYSTERIOS..HAHA) bagi aku la...tak suma benda boleh dikongsi...

so, KNOW WHEN TO SHUT UP! because certain matters should be private, ppl...

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